My journey through the past - San Francisco
Next stop on my journey through the past for my ARD documentary is San Francisco. Here I am looking forward to a reunion with my colleague and dear friend Brian Boitano. 1988 we both won the Olympic Gold Medal, then I won Brian as my Don Jose in "Carmen on Ice" and for many years we skated together in our own tour as well as guest stars in other major figure skating shows all over the world. We share a long-lasting and deep friendship. It's a token of our friendship that Brian has agreed to document on camera in his kitchen that I'm not completely clueless in dealing with the wooden spoon ;-)
photo 1: The ice rink on Union Square in the centre of San Francisco Francisco makes my feet twitch
photo 2: Selfie of our team in front of the Golden Gate Bridge
photo 3: Here is proof: I do know how to cook...if I get clear instructions ;-)
photo 4: The result is tasting as good as it looks. Brian is a passionate private and a successful TV chef and knows that you eat with your eyes first.